Sunday 31 August 2014


A fair isn't a fair without fairy floss ...

Nail-painting stand - a variation on the usual face-painting ...

Uncle Bill shows the kids how it's done ...

Old Warden fair
With Auntie Ruth, Uncle Bill and Crazy Maisy

It was so much fun staying with Ruth and Bill. (And of course Crazy Maisy!) We went to a really cool fair, (though it only had one ride which was a bit babyish it was still really cool) and we bought some candyfloss. (I started gobbling it up straight away but Della took really long which is why in the picture she isn't even eating it!) I got my nails painted violet with little pink and white daisies on them. Ruth and Bill live on a farm so there were heaps of horses, dogs, and cats. Me and Heather, (Ruth and Bill's daughter-in-law and the lady who looks after the horses) gave the foals their medicine and when we were heading out of the paddock they followed us right to the gate! My favourite foal was called Millie. Back at the fair I won a bow and arrow. It was really cool! But it was made of plastic and didn't shoot that far. Maisy is a long-haired Jack Russell. She is VERY cheeky. And when you take her to her pen and go back inside, she starts whimpering because she wants to play with you!

It was sooooooo fun staying with Ruth, Bill, Heather, and Nigel (and the dogs, horses and cats). The fair was awesome! But the same as Edie - I thought the only ride was a bit babyish. I didn't really like the fairy floss, though. It tasted like wool mixed up with sugar. The photo of us was hard to take with Crazy Maisy looking at the camera. Eventually she looked at the camera but Dad didn't have enough time to snap a photo. It was fun living on a farm.

I finished off Della's fairy floss! Brought back memories of the Royal Adelaide Show. Was quite happy that the only ride at the Old Warden Fair was 'babyish' given recent events at the Adelaide show. And it didn't stop the girls having a go!
The fair was just lovely. I think my favourite bit was the Pimms tent :-) We were lucky to be in town for this typical English summer fair.
It was so lovely to catch up with Ruth (Matthew's mum Val's sister) and Bill again. They and Nigel and Heather were so good to us. The girls really loved being around so many animals and being spoilt. And it was amazing staying in a house with parts dating back to (from memory) the 16th Century.
Wish we could have stayed longer with the Lewises. But France was beckoning ...

Yes, it was great to spend time with Ruth and Bill and the wider clan (Heather and Nigel, Lin and Liz, Nicola, Luke and Jemima). Many thanks to all for their time and hospitality. Also special to enjoy such a quintessential English experience as the Old Warden village fête. Sorry for beating you at skittles, Bill.... Lovely countryside, lovely people; much fun had.

NEXT: Vernet les Bains


  1. Sounds like more great fun! How lovely for the girls to enjoy farm life, especially with all the animals. xox

  2. I'm with Della - sugar-coated wool. But like the sound of the Pimms tent Jen! xxxx

  3. I have finally caught up with you all. Really enjoying your travellers tales, descriptions of dessert and pictures from my homeland.

    Thanks for the lovely card and pressie Jen.

    Looking fwd to the next instalment.

    1. Glad you found us, Catherine. Have been thinking of you - you mustn't have long to go at work now? Hope all going well!
