Friday 31 October 2014

England revisited

Flat no. 1 (Hammersmith) from our time in London in 2000-2002

Hammersmith Bridge

Flat no. 2 (Chiswick)
Our favourite, pub-lined strip of the Thames - Strand-on-the-Green, near Kew

An old favourite

Another get-together for Jen's old workmates from Santé Communications, as well as some other old friends. None of these little ones were around when we worked together!

A return to the Tower of London for the girls to see the Crown Jewels, which we skipped first time around because of the queues. Many more ceramic poppies in the moat in November (lead-up to remembrance day) than there were in August

Made it!!!

After our time in Europe we returned to England for a week of catching up with family and friends before flying home to Australia.

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