Saturday 18 October 2014

Munich (Germany)



Christmas decorations on sale at the market
And mushrooms!

Lunch at the Hofbrauhaus. Della: "We went to a café with lots of beer. We had a yummy lunch there."

Watching the Rathaus-Glockenspiel in Marienplatz. I lost that earring's mate on the rush to get to the clock before its little show began on the hour!

The Glockenspiel.
Edie: "There were little figures of wooden people jousting on horses and stuff. One of the knights fell off his horse!"
Della: "It was very clever. Mini figures started dancing and one figure on a horse charged into another!"

Cigarette vending machine attached to a fence down the road from our friends' home in suburban Munich!


After Santorini in Greece we flew via Athens to Munich, where we stayed with our wonderful friends Mathias, Andi, Constantin, Antonia and Louise. We met Mathias and Andi in 2000, when the four of us were backpacking in southern Laos. We last saw them in September this year, when we shared a house in southern France for a week.
Matthew and I loved revisiting Munich and our friends. It's a beautiful city offering a great lifestyle. It was fantastic to stay with and be shown around by locals - especially for the girls, who LOVED staying in a three storey house (four, if you count the basement!).
Edie was very lucky to be able to join Constantin and Antonia at a special evening at the kids' after school care service - she had a ball, despite knowing only a couple of words in German (see Edie's comments, below).
Our friends looked after us incredibly well; the kids again got along like a house on fire and were sad to part ways. But we will meet again ...

Andi drove me, Constantin and Antonia to the kindergarten. We met Chris, the carer, and Yasmin. Then we went to the gym, and played some crazy German games, came back to the classroom, and ate pepperoni pizza and drank tea and water. Then we put jumpers on, grabbed our torches, and ran outside into the dark playground. Me, Constantin, Greta and one of Constantin's other friends (who called himself Blue Monkey and Elephant), all played on a tire swing together. Then we came inside and watched two movies! Then Andi and mum picked us up. When we were watching the movie, me and Constantin ate chips, popcorn and pretzels!"

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